Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Before, During and After the Shoot-What to Expect !

Before the photo shoot
First we need to decide where the shoot will take place. I work occasionally out of my home studio,  we can shoot on location, so the shoot could be at your home, at your favorite location, or we can discuss locations.
If you have a specific vision of what you would like your photos to look like, this is the time to let me know. If you are not sure, you can ask yourself: Who are the photos for?  Do you have a theme in mind? Do you want to evoke a certain emotion with your pictures (funny, serious, athletic, etc.)
You will also need to decide what to wear. Generally speaking, solid colors work best in portrait photography. Bold stripes and logos tend to distract from the most important subject – you! However, if you feel that polka dotted summer dress reflects your personality perfectly, by all means wear it. You may also consider changing into multiple outfits during the shoot. If there are several of you in the shoot, consider wearing something of similar color to each other. This will bring some unity to the group, perfect for family portraits.
The photo session
A typical photo shoot lasts about an hour. This amount of time is usually plenty to get a good variety of shots.
I will provide some direction during the shoot, but you are the best judge of what makes you comfortable. Feel free to bring your ideas to the session. Some of the best pictures come out of collaboration.
After the photo shoot
Within a few days (usually 3-5) after the photo shoot I will have a cd-rom for you with the best pictures from the shoot or a electronic transfer by wetransfer or dropbox. It will have five edited photos and a selection of other photos from the session.
As always, it's best to have an open conversation in all the above steps.
Dance Media Aurora Newmarket

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