Today i popped over to Macs Milk for a few quick supplies after getting the kids. Speed shopped then went to pay and realized I didn't have my debit card, went back out to the truck, looked high and low-No card. As i I went back inside to tell the clerk I would be back, a customer walked past on her way out and wished me a merry Xmas which I replied the same. I smart phoned my banking info when the clerk said, your bill has been taken care of, i didn't think he was talking to me and then he said it again. I said by who and he replied the women that just left-I had a $27 bill paid fully by a complete stranger out of no where, I ran outside as she was about to drive off, she rolled down her window I said you didn't have to do that, she said, I know. I proceeded to shake her hand and wished her another merry xmas. Went back in the store and said I Love Newmarket because we have the best people living here. Talk about a random act of kindness.
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